
In the interest of keeping peace and safety among each other some rules are in order. Please keep them so everyone can have a fun and safe time.         

Please be safety conscious!

Make sure target is clear before drawing bow.

Leave your bow in front of target when looking for lost arrows.

Use caution when approaching shooters ahead of you.

Always follow the course markings. If you need to leave the course you must continue in the forward direction. Never follow the course backwards.

Never shoot an arrow at anything other than the designated target from the shooting station.

Binoculars allowed but not from stake after shot. Make it quick.

Range finders or stepping off the distance to the target will be allowed only after shot has been taken, for competitive scores. Non-competitive shooters may use range finders before or after shot as long as they don't turn in their score card or share the distance number with competitive shooters. Range finders may be used before the shot if competing in the known distance class.

Allow faster shooters to pass your slower group if target ahead is open.

No alcoholic beverages allowed on range.

Shooters 16 and younger must be accompanied by an adult at all times while on the range or in the practice area.